Kommunikationsatelier Zürich
Kommunikationsatelier GmbH
Tea? Coffee?

You are always welcome to visit us. Call us or send us a message: 044 520 15 09 or info@kommunikationsatelier.ch. We look forward to getting to know you.

City of Winterthur

Communication and media relations ad interim

With currently 112,000 inhabitants, Winterthur is the sixth largest city in Switzerland. It offers a great cultural diversity, affordable living space, a wide range of educational opportunities and many green spaces. The Department of School and Sport (DSS) supports and advises the school authorities, school heads and teachers of the elementary school and the municipal schools as well as the sports providers of the City of Winterthur in the fulfilment of their diverse tasks.

Kommunikationsatelier supported the DSS during a vacancy in the field of communication and media relations. The tasks included writing media releases, redacting reports and texts, communication consultancy, writing speeches and creating presentations.

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Kommunikationsatelier GmbH
Tea? Coffee?

You are always welcome to visit us. Call us or send us a message: 044 520 15 09 or info@kommunikationsatelier.ch. We look forward to getting to know you.