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BEP - Baugenossenschaft des eidgenössischen Personals
With 1700 apartments, BEP «Baugenossenschaft des eidgenössischen Personals» is one of Zurich's
largest housing cooperatives. Founded in 1910 by locomotive drivers, switchmen and station officials, its housing estates have left their mark on the Letten quarter as well as the area around Röntgenplatz.
Today, BEP is not only active in the city with renovations and replacement buildings, it is also present in the agglomeration with housing developments and new construction projects.
During a vacancy in the communications department, Kommunikationsatelier supported and advised the BEP in terms of concept and content for a wide range of projects and, among other things, took over the project and editorial management for the BEP episodes 3/22, 1/23 and the annual report 2022, produced texts and coordinated the production with all partners.
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You are always welcome to visit us. Call us or send us a message: 044 520 15 09 or We look forward to getting to know you.